Haggis bonbons make regular appearances on menus, but the vegetable elements of one of Scotland's most iconic dishes seem to get overlooked. When I was young and Halloween came around, my brothers and I used to scoop the raw turnip out to make scary lanterns. I used to munch away on the raw turnip, which I love!
I always use MacSween's haggis if I don't purchase my butcher's own. Whilst studying gastronomy I visited their Edinburgh-based factory where we were shown around by Jo MacSween, who ran the family business at the time. We were given an insight into the haggis making process and how the company evolved from her grandfather's butcher shop into a modern production facility. It didn't smell as bad as you would think!
Served with a whisky cream sauce, these bad boys would be an ideal snack over Christmas or rolled up into smaller balls for canapes
1x 454g MacSween's haggis (you can use vegetarian haggis also), cooked
1x medium turnip, boiled
400g mashed potato
2x eggs, beaten
1x pack of breadcrumbs
6 tbsp plain flour
5mls whisky
284mls double cream
1) Mix the cold haggis, turnip and potato together. Taste and season accordingly. Take a small handful of the mix and roughly form into a croquette shape.
2) Drop it into the flour, turning to coat. Then drop into the egg mix to cover and then into the breadcrumbs. Roll in the crumb until coated. Repeat until your mix is all used up.
3) Pre-heat a deep fryer to 170C. Drop the croquettes in for 2 1/2 mins until golden.
4) For the whisky sauce, pour the whisky into a semi-hot pan and allow to reduce for 1 min. Whisk in the cream until sauce is warm enough to serve. Season with salt and pepper.
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