I'M A HUGE lover of a good old Scotch egg. There's something so comforting about them and it's no surprise that they've become a regular feature at farmers' markets over the past couple of years.
I made them for an Italian PhD student, Sara, who spent some time at my work last year and became a great friend to our team. I take great pride in representing Scottish produce and was so pleased that Sara enjoyed them. I even put them on my Christmas dinner menu as a modern Scottish dish for the Canadian side of Sarah's family to enjoy.
1) Put the red cabbage in a bowl with a pinch of Maldon salt. Mix and leave for an hour. Put the cabbage in a clean tea towel and squeeze out any excess water.
Homemade kimchi is something I always have in the fridge. The vibrant flavours, crunchy veg, and zinginess go so well with the richness of the Scotch egg to successfully create a real mash-up of world cuisines. Make it at least a couple of days in advance. It'll keep in the fridge for two weeks.
I visited MacSween's haggis factory a few years back and highly recommend their traditional or vegetarian haggis. Although I'm a keen meat eater, I actually prefer the veggie option!
Ingredients (serves 4):
1x, 454g traditional or vegetarian haggis
4x good quality pork sausages (omit if vegetarian), meat removed from skin
5 organic or free-range eggs (four for boiling, one for crumbing the eggs)
1 packet, breadcrumbs
50g plain flour
1/2 red cabbage, sliced
3 cloves, garlic, sliced
3 carrots, grated
8 radishes, sliced
1 inch piece of ginger, grated
2x red chillies, sliced
3 tbsp rice wine vinegar
2 tbsp golden caster sugar
1 tbsp, Maldon salt
Sriracha sauce
2) Add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Place in a Kilner jar and leave for a couple of days.
3) For the Scotch eggs, wash the eggs under a hot tap for two mins. Plunge them into boiling water for three minutes. Remove from water and run under a cold tap for two minutes. Peel and set aside.
4) Heat a deep fat fryer to 170C. Remove the haggis from its casing and mix with the sausage meat. Take a fist full in your hand and beat out until you have a layer half an inch thick. Place the egg in the centre of your palm and wrap the haggis around it until sealed. If need be, smooth out with a few drops of water.
5) Roll in the seasoned flour, dip into the beaten egg to coat then roll in the breadcrumbs until covered. Repeat if necessary.
6) Place in the fryer for 8-10 mins, turning occasionally until even in colour.
7) Serve with the kimchi and an extra drizzle of sriracha if you like it hot! Also good with brown sauce...
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