Blackhall is a fairly built up residential area with not an awful lot to choose from in terms of sit-in eateries, so you could see the logic behind the move. Chatting with the owner beforehand was interesting, as he proudly stated that may of his regular customers from the Leith area now frequent the new site. It was all shaping up to be a promising dinner, although it was fairly quiet this particular Thursday evening.
I enjoy discovering types of curry with different influences that have shaped Indian food. Chicken Cafreal originated from the Portuguese and is widely eaten in Goa according to the menu. At £8.95 my curry horizons were expanded when I was met with bags of my old friends ginger and garlic, a pleasant heat and beautifully executed chicken chunks. I like when curry has a slightly drier, thick sauce and the notes of cumin and cinnamon made this very enjoyable indeed. I’m not a particularly large eater and this portion was perfectly adequate for me, but if I had to pick a fault, perhaps a little more chicken would be needed to satisfy the larger appetite.
I should mention the outstanding naan bread, too, which was light as a feather and packed with vampire-repelling amounts of garlic and sprinkles of fragrant coriander.
You can certainly see why The Raj has been a firm favourite in the capital for such a long and impressive amount of time. The food was pretty much flawless throughout and the variety of dishes on the menu are a culinary treat that I look forward to exploring further. The residents of Blackhall are extremely lucky that this restaurant decided to up sticks!

For tickets and further information click here:
Address: 12 Hillhouse Road, Blackhall, Edinburgh, EH4 2AG
Phone: (0131) 332 2289
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